šŸ¤”Ā Part 1: Quick Reference

<aside> āœļø This little database is a quick and easy way to check the length of your YouTube video titles.

Itā€™s currently set to show ā€˜Too Longā€™ when your title goes over 54 characters, but you can alter this if you prefer.

The reason Iā€™ve chosen 54 is that around this point, the text will be cut off on certain devices (mobile, etc).

Long titles (70+) can perform as well as shorter titles, but if youā€™re conscious of having information cut out of your title, then 54 characters is a pretty safe target.

I would also recommend following Jake Thomas for some incredible tips on writing YouTube titles.


šŸ¤“Ā Video Title Length Checker

šŸ§Ā Part 2: Visual Reference

Youā€™ll want to check how your video title displays across different platforms (mobile vs desktop, Homepage vs Up Next, etc).

<aside> āœļø For this, you can use thumbsup.tv


<aside> āœļø This website allows you to enter your planned video title, add your thumbnail, and see how your video will look across YouTube.




<aside> šŸ—žļø Want to learn more about YouTube Scriptwriting? I send out a free newsletter to 3500+ creators every Friday. You can join us here!
