Retention Graph Coloured.png

Retention Graph Coloured (1).png

What worked

(1/1) Addresses audience

The creator asks us a direct question in relation to the second post, which “brings us in” early on.

Addressing the audience early is such an easy way to re-engage us.

It makes us feel part of the joke/discussion rather than merely an observer.

What to improve

(1/3) Visuals

A few things about the video feel a little bland.

The background is a good example of this. Maybe it’s part of the “character” of this creator, but I wish there was a little more colour/natural light involved in the setting.

Similarly, the “screwed up paper” background for the Tumblr posts felt a little generic.

This ties into some thoughts I have on the editing in general…

(2/3) Pattern Interrupt

This could be improved in a number of ways.

Firstly, the pacing feels unbroken.

We go from Tumblr post → reaction → Tumblr post → reaction.

On each reaction, we slowly Ken Burns zoom in on the creator, then we move on.

After a while, it’s easy to get distracted because the pacing doesn’t change.

This creator could be way more playful with the editing overall, in fact.