Retention Graph Coloured.png

Retention Graph Coloured (1).png

What worked

(1/2) Credibility

Once you realise the video you’re watching was actually edited by the tool that’s being talked about, it adds an additional layer of credibility to the review - we’re literally seeing the tool in use just by dint of what we’re seeing.

An additional benefit of this realisation is that it re-engages our brains. We’re now conscious that the video was edited by AI, so we’re actively on the lookout for any signs of this.

(2/2) Informative

During the actual tutorial, we see the best retention across the whole video (S3).

I don’t want to overegg the pudding here - it’s just a well-laid-out tutorial.

I would have made the tutorial a bigger part of the video overall, and that has to do with some structural issues I noticed at the start and end of the video…

What to improve

(1/2) Information Repetition

The big-hitting info about the product is introduced during the hook.

But, during S2, the creator repeats this information 2-3 times while, in the background, Gling is prepping his file.

This whole segment didn’t add anything new and could have been cut out. Instead, we could have spent more time in the tutorial, looking at the product itself.

(2/2) Audience Avatar

I talk a lot about speaking to the “deeper desires” of your audience.

It’s literally the same as in marketing - the best ads don’t just list the features of a product or service; they sell a result.