Retention Graph Coloured.png

Retention Graph Coloured (1).png

This video is the best performing on the channel for the last 12 months and is being pushed to new audiences. Expect retention to be below average in this situation.

What worked

(1/2) Title

This title would make Jake Thomas proud.

I don’t wanna step on any toes here, but I’m gonna break this down the way Jake does in his awesome weekly newsletter.

“The sneaky {{X}} trick {{Y}} use(s)”

It’s no surprise that the video is performing well with an awesome title like that.

(2/2) Style

There is nothing more important than identifying who is watching your content, and what their expectations are.

Why does this matter?

It not only affects the types of videos you make, but how you present yourself during those videos as well.

Imagine how bizarre this video would feel if the creator was using fast cuts, pretend stakes, and OTT editing…

Untitled design.gif

Instead, she knows she’s talking about a product people associate with luxury and relaxation, so the tone of the whole video reflects that.