Retention Graph Coloured.png

Retention Graph Coloured (1).png

What worked

(1/2) Personality

Tell me you don’t love this guy after 10 seconds.

Doing something surprising during the hook is an awesome trick for sticking out to new viewers who might be watching you for the first time.

Do something to get their attention!

(2/2) Audience Avatar

The creator calls out the specific desires of his audience and calls out the exact transformation they will experience by watching the video.

Making the audience feel seen as soon as possible is so important.

If you can get them nodding along and saying “this creator just gets me, that is exactly what I desire/fear”, you’ve got them hooked.

There’s only one problem…

What to improve

(1/2) Pacing

…it takes slightly too long to get there.

I love the opening 10 seconds, but if we could have moved straight **into the transformation-promising and objection-busting, I would have been on cloud 9.

As it is, the sudden break to show the intro card, followed by a much more slow pace, takes away from that initial momentum too much.

I’ve often advocated for switching up the pacing, but we need to get the video’s promise established first before we allow the pacing to fluctuate.

Especially after a slightly zany opener, I want reassurance that this guy is the guy, and this video is the video, to help me achieve the transformation I want.

(2/2) Signposting