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The Detroit Lions SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED To Do This...

Retention Graph Coloured.png

Retention Graph Coloured (1).png

What worked

(1/2) B-Roll

Very little time is spent watching the creator.

He’s taken the time to find varied B-Roll to cover what he’s discussing, as well as adding newspaper headlines (etc) to help illustrate his points and keep things visually interesting.

(2/2) Informative

The video seems super well-researched, although the link between the title and content isn’t super clear.

What shouldn’t the Lions be allowed to do?

What to improve

(1/2) Hook/Payoff

Even after a minute or so, it’s not clear to me what the video is “about”.

The creator is listing off facts about the team, but it’s not apparent what we’re going to come away having learned overall.

In YouTube terms, this means we don’t have a clear payoff (which is always a bummer for retention).

And it’s reflected in the graph…

This type of line is classic for a video without a clear payoff expectation - people gradually realise there isn’t anything specific to wait around for, so gradually drop off.

(2/2) Structure

Related to this, the video does have a structure of sorts, but it’s hard to spot because the pacing feels a little relentless as the creator continues to present more information.

Breaking it down into sections (e.g. defence, offence, etc) and making this distinction clearer (using text, changes of music, clear pauses) could have prevented it from feeling like 6 minutes of non-stop information.