Pro Mixers Reveal WHY Mixes Sound Amateur

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What worked

(1/2) Audience avatar

This creator is consistently great at holding up a mirror to his audience and saying:

“You keep doing [X], but you never get [result], right?”

In this case:

They’ve tried copying the pros, but their mixes still sound amateur.

In any educational video, you want the audience thinking:

“YES, this creator just gets me” as early as possible.

And this creator totally nails that, both in the hook, and throughout the video.

(2/2) Payoffs

This creator avoids the common listicle trap.

Notice how he builds up a discussion around each point before revealing what it is.

Check out the intro to point #3 at 2:28.

He could have started by saying…

<aside> ❌ “and the third mistake is organising, cleaning and editing while mixing”.


Instead, he says…

<aside> ✅ “And the next struggle that keeps us from achieving professional results in our production is one of the most boring and life-draining tasks any mix engineer has to do.”
