Retention Graph Coloured.png

Retention Graph Coloured (1).png

What worked

(1/2) Style

I love this presentational style

It gives the informal feeling of a sports pundit, but it feels scripted and non-rambly.

Standing up and talking also makes the creator look way more natural - if you struggle with sitting and talking to camera, I’d seriously consider trying this!

(2/2) Foreshadowing

Foredshadowing is done really well with the John Darwin story (S4) and retention is flat.

The creator foreshadows the end of the story (”but after faking his death, he got caught in the dumbest way”) which creates a curiosity gap.

I would have loved to see this same thing across every story, as the creator occasionally fell into “and then, and then, but then one day, and then”, instead of setting up specific curiosity gaps.

What to improve

(1/2) Hook

I’ve re-written part of the hook below.

The problem is, the intro doesn’t sufficiently explain itself and certain elements aren’t resolved in a satisfying way (c.f. Timmothy’s wife).

Because the information is delivered so fast and we barely pause for breath when moving into the main video, I’m left feeling slightly unsatisfied by the hook.

See my notes/changes below:

<aside> ✍️ Timothy Dexter was an eccentric man who, despite his great fortune had some interesting quirks about himself. with some extremely unusual quirks.

One of those being about his dear wife whom, w When visitors would ask about her his wife, for example, he would tell them that his wife she had died, despite being very much alive and living with him in the same house.

And what would he say to guests who saw her roaming around the house?

He simply told them that this was her ghost, which would explain why when Timothy faked his own death to observe who would come to his funeral, 3000 people attended.

And when Timothy saw that his wife wasn't crying he promptly revealed himself to be alive and caned her for not being upset.


(2/2) Pattern Interrupt