Retention Graph Coloured.png

Retention Graph Coloured (1).png

What worked

(1/2) Visuals

I like how they represent the notes in this top-down, physical style.

It’s a nice touch, much better than just having the notes on-screen like most tutorials.

youtube-video-gif (1).gif

It’s worth playing around with (and subverting) the visual styles common to your niche to try and stand out.

(2/2) Audience avatar

There’s a good chance a lot of people watching the tutorial will have seen drummers doing triplet fills, and thought:

“Wish I looked that cool when I did triplet fills.”

Dave reflects the audience’s desire to emulate the “cool” drummers immediately.

What to improve

(1/2) Overexplaining

The intro just feels too long.

Dave does a lot of talking before we get into it and there’s some repetition too, mentioning the idea of the “system” twice during the intro.

The result?

We don’t see Dave playing the drums until nearly 2 minutes in (and we can see that people are skipping to this point in S2).

Compare this to a similar tutorial, where the video begins showing the creator energetically playing the drums…