Retention Graph Coloured (2).png

Retention Graph Coloured.png

What worked

(1/2) Presentation

It might just be because I’m a fellow Brit from the countryside, but Rich felt super natural, personable and casual on camera.

Rich avoids the YouTuber stereotype - having to play a heightened version of themselves.

I’m reminded of what MKBHD says about his own content:

“The tech is the star.”

Overall, it’s refreshing to see creators just behave normally 😅

(2/2) Payoff

The actual moment where the camera is dropped is a great payoff.

The use of music, 10x camera angles, etc - this is exactly what I’d want when I clicked this video.

The only problem is what happens on either side of that payoff…

What to improve

(1/2) Tension

Creators always need to know what their ultimate payoff is (which Rich does).

In this case, it’s the camera being dropped, because that’s what the title hypes me up for.

The problem is, we can see people skipping ahead to the moment where that happens (S3).

To build up more tension beforehand, we could have gone into more detail about the cost of the camera (stakes) or a bit more detail about what the lens protector is supposed to be able to withstand.

Then, right after Rich finds the camera, retention starts to tail off and never recovers (S4)