Retention Graph Coloured.png

Retention Graph Coloured (1).png

What worked

(1/2) Pacing

Really nice pacing variation.

Slows right down after the intro, cutting from a party scene to the same angle on the next day, now with the truck completely empty.

Having seen a snappy overview of the truck’s capabilities in the first 25s, it slows down and we just drive with Alex for a bit. Feels like we’re getting to know him as well (although this isn’t executed perfectly, as I’ll discuss below).

Another great example of the pacing switching at 5:31 - high energy music increases in volume as the creator assembles his bed, before the music stops and we cut to a shot of him now relaxed in bed, watching TV.

(2/2) Music

The music often changes between video chapters.

Not only that, but it’s used to give character to the scene we’re watching.

The music turns hectic in the “dinette” scene (4:28) because we’re about to see the madness of the party from the night before.

But when we look inside the bathroom (2:58), the music is bouncy and comedic because… well, toilets are inherently funny and there’s nothing we can do about that.

What to improve

(1/1) Storytelling

I would have loved to have seen more of the stories created by/within the truck.

For example, we see two glimpses of the party that was going on the night before, and my mind immediately goes to those guests…

I wanna hear their reactions to this thing. What’s it like to party in there? How did they even meet Alex?

I also wanna know more about Alex. How does he feel about living as a Nomad for 5 years? What do his friends and family think? Does he ever travel with anyone?

As an audience, we wanna connect with the people behind the crazy stuff we see on YouTube.