<aside> 🧠 At time of writing, this video is outperforming the channel’s subscriber count by 48x (😱😱😱), so take the lower retention line with a pinch of salt as the video will have been seen by a tonne of new people unfamiliar with the channel.



Retention Graph Coloured (3).png

Retention Graph Coloured (2).png

What worked

(1/1) Research

The video is clearly very well-researched.

There’s a tonne of context given to the discussion, which might be unfamiliar to a lot of viewers.

The problems come from how the video is orgnaised and presented…

What to improve

(1/2) Pacing

I always try to provide the most constructive advice I can, but to be completely candid here…

This video feels like a bit of a slog 😬

It’s partly down to the monotone (AI?) voiceover, but the way the information is organised and presented feels meandering.

What could have really helped is breaking down the sub-topics early on and showing us more clearly what to expect throughout.

As an audience, we need to know what we were building towards during the next 60s, and I rarely felt that way.

As a result, this comes acorss like an information dump, rather than a carefully crafted story (and the steep downward retention reflects that).

Related to this…

(2/2) Payoffs

After 5 minutes, I don’t feel like I’ve had my “a-ha!” moment.